Romania is a southeastern European country known for the forested region of Transylvania, ringed by the Carpathian Mountains. Its preserved medieval towns include Sighişoara, and there are many fortified churches and castles, notably clifftop Bran Castle, long associated with the Dracula legend. Bucharest, the country’s capital, is the site of the gigantic, Communist-era Palatul Parlamentului government building.
Languages: Romanian 91% (official), Hungarian 6.7%, Romany (Gypsy) 1.1%, other 1.2%
Ethnic Groups: Romanian 89.5%, Hungarian 6.6%, Roma 2.5%, Ukrainian 0.3%, German 0.3%, Russian 0.2%, Turkish 0.2%, other 0.4%
Belief Systems: Eastern Orthodox (including all sub-denominations) 86.8%, Protestant (various denominations including Reformate and Pentecostal) 7.5%, Roman Catholic 4.7%, other (mostly Muslim) and unspecified 0.9%, none 0.1%
Population: 21.3 million people (World Rank: 58th) (2014 estimate)
Population Density: 240 people/mi^2 (People per Square Mile) (World Rank: 116th) (2014 estimate)
Population Growth: -0.228 %/yr (World Rank: 228th) (2013 estimate)
Life Expectancy: 73.8 years (World Rank: 119th) (2013 estimate)
Median Age: 38.5 years (World Rank: 35th) (2010 estimate)
Sites for More Information:
Map of Romania
Country Profile for Romania
Unitied Nations
Romania - Country Profile
U.S. Library of Congress
Romania - Facts and Information 1
Romania - Facts and Information 2
World Factbook
Culture and Tourism:
Traveling to Romania 1
Travel Guide for Romania
Language Resources:
Romanian language, alphabet, and pronunciation
Romanian Language Games
Learn Romanian Online 2
Government Related:
Embassy of Romania
in Washington D.C.
Government Websites of Romania
by Gunnar Anzinger